“Be the difference this Christmas!” That’s the message in Friends of Mithra’s 2018 Christmas Appeal. With little over a month until Christmas, Friends of Mithra has begun inviting its loyal supporters and friends to consider including the children of MITHRA when they think about their own loved ones and the gifts they will buy.
Recently the news media made a big splash stating:
“TIS the season to spend money, with many Australians fa-la-la-la! New survey findings show we’re set to collectively spend several billion of dollars on gifts for loved ones, and billions more on food, travel and decorations as Christmas rapidly approaches.
“A survey by comparison website finder found total spending over the festive season is projected to hit $25 billion, with Aussies spending $1325 each on average. ‘We found that people expect to spend on average $464 each on presents, $444 on travel, $131 on alcohol, $122 on food and $61 on decorations,’ finder.com.au personal finance expert Kate Browne said.”
Friends of Mithra is determined to ensure that Sr Mary Theodore’s dream of making life better for the most marginalised children of Chennai, India – children with disabilities from the poorest families – is kept alive.
When people send a gift to Friends of Mithra, every child benefits. It means that the invaluable services provided by the Sisters and staff can continue. It means that teachers, therapists and carers can stay employed. It means that these children with special needs can develop further their communication skills, their mobility as well as their life skills and vocational skills. It means that meals and nutrition can be provided. Every donation gives life to MITHRA.
The Friends of Mithra Christmas appeal asks supporters to encourage their families and friends to share some of their Christmas cheer with the most deserving, but least fortunate, brothers and sisters in our world.
Christmas is coming. Friends of Mithra invites fellow Australians to share a little of what they have with the children of MITHRA. It encourages all of us to “be the difference this Christmas!”